Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enter the Haggis (2)

Enter the Haggis (2)

If you haven't been to an ETH Show... YOU are MISSING OUT!! So throw on your kilts and join us for a night of fun and high energy celtic rock!!
"Whether you're a Dropkick Murphys fan or a Chieftans fan, you'll probably wind up being a Haggis Head." - The Boston Globe


Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 9:00pm - Monday, February 28, 2011 at 12:00am
Location Wild Wing Cafe
2145 Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Narrator: Hold on, I'll tell you: we'll split up the week, okay? You take lymphoma, and tuberculosis...
Marla: You take tuberculosis. My smoking doesn't go over at all.
Narrator: Okay, good, fine. Testicular cancer should be no contest, I think.
Marla: Well, technically, I have more of a right to be there than you. You still have your balls.
Narrator: You're kidding.
Marla: I don't know... am I?
Narrator: No, no! What do you want?
Marla: I'll take the parasites.
Narrator: You can't have both the parasites, but while you take the blood parasites...
Marla: I want brain parasites.
Narrator: I'll take the blood parasites. But I'm gonna take the organic brain dementia, okay?
Marla: I want that.
Narrator: You can't have the whole brain, that's...
Marla:: So far you have four, I only have two!
Narrator: Okay. Take both the parasites. They're yours. Now we both have three...

Saturday, December 4, 2010


“The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
- Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher”

“Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.”

“Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.”

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How little is needed for happiness! The note of a bagpipe. -Without music life would be a mistake. The German even thinks of God as singing songs.--Nietzsche

Sunday, November 14, 2010

xmas hype

The word "Christmas" should not even be muttered before Thanksgiving Day. Gifts should not be bought until after Thanksgiving Day. Television should not be bombarding us with commercials about Christmas until after TD. UGH.

Saturday, November 13, 2010



Poem Content: 
When a roach is killed I utter a curse to accompany
the death but spiders (I have decided)
are more noble, and each time one is killed
a sad haiku that should have been written
goes quietly missing.

Is it true that when we kill an insect we don't
know if it was an ancestor back to watch us?
Some are either noble or stupid, holding
still while we close a tissue around it,
appearing to honour it, drape it in a cloak
before crushing it, to a broken spot, legs torn off.

Is it true that when we die we feel
insect justice, every one we ever killed
crawling on our bodies while we offer
explanations: sorry, you surprised me in my kitchen

at night but for what it's worth, I went back
to my lover in the dark and tried to find her
in the bed - her leg here and torso there, not
where I expected - we were crushed by the darkness 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

‎"72 years ago today, Jewish life changed forever. The November 1938 Pogroms devastated communities across Germany and parts of Austria, killing people and desecrating property. It matters still."

Monday, November 8, 2010

“I never thought that spreading ignorance has any advantage, except for those who are in a position of power and want to deprive others of their rights and spread ignorance in order to keep them underlings.” Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Iva BITTOVA "Huljet"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Only 2 survivors remain from Nazi camp Treblinka - Welcome to Charter.net

Only 2 survivors remain from Nazi camp Treblinka - Welcome to Charter.net

Libertarian Vs. Tea Party



capitalized : an adherent of an ancient Greek school of philosophers who held the view that virtue is the only good and that its essence lies in self-control and independence
: a faultfinding captious critic; especially : one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest
— cynic adjective


: an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
a : the doctrine that reality is essentially evilb : the doctrine that evil overbalances happiness in life
— pes·si·mist noun


1. Of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something.
2. (of an idea, plan, or method) Likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible


a person who tends to view or represent things as they reallyare.
an artist or a writer whose work is characterized by realism.
Philosophy an adherent of realism.
of or pertaining to realism or to a person who embodies itsprinciples or practices: the realist approach to social ills;realist paintings.

The difficulty is to try and teach the multitude that something can be true and untrue at the same time. ~ Schopenhauer
It’s not that I don’t accept God, you must understand; it’s the world created by Him I don’t and cannot accept.
—Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"the word 'Christianity' is already a misunderstanding--in reality there has only been one Christian, and he died on the Cross. The 'Evangel' died on the Cross."

I've been mulling it over for awhile, and I don't agree. Christ was a Jew trying to redirect the way Jews and others were living their lives; Christians were followers of Christ but didn't really become thought of as Christians until after his death. So Jesus was still a Jew. Right? Idk. I want to know what general consensus may be in a group discussion about this theory of Nietzsch's.

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. --Yoda

Friday, November 5, 2010

Christmas Blues (already)

I remembered today why I don't like Christmas. Materialism. Consumerism. Pressure. All the things Christmas wasn't supposed to be about. Almost Jewish or not, I still celebrate the gift giving frenzy with my family. But it's not always joyous; as kids get older they want more expensive stuff-electronic toys (iPods, phones, laptops, leather jackets....) I have no problem spoiling my family for the holiday, I just haven't the means to do so.

It's not just my family I want to spoil and buy gifts for, but relatives and friends as well. Just know that to everyone who lives outside of my house, I've bought you gifts in my heart. 

But we also have this overwhelming push to make someone else's holiday special. Salvation Army ringing bells for change outside of every department store on earth; Toys for Tots ads on billboards and on tv; Angel Yrees, collection boxes for tots, Clark Howard's yearly toy drives at Wal Marts across the Metro Atlanta area--give give give!!! 

If only I had the means, the way; but we barely make it month to month as it is. We support these projects as often as we can, for my kids like to give to others, too. I want to do more, but even cutting corners and giving up something to have that extra cash isn't always enough. We celebrate Christmas lite, even reducing ourselves to the Charlie Brown, mini tree, more because of rowdy kittens than anything. The thought of not having to drag out a tree and ten boxes of decorations thrills me though. I hate to see a big tree sit there with little under it when u would prefer presents to spill out all over the floor-gifts for family, friends, and strangers. 

I will try, this year, to not be sad or grinchy about the holiday. I just wish, so, so much, that Christmas was celebrated by true Christians, for the intended purpose of celebrating the birth of their saviour. Better yet, since Jesus likely was not born in our December, let's go back deeper into our history and celebrate winter solstice with warmth, cheer, food and friends, and forget all of this materialistic bullshit.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I love a man (or woman) in uniform. I appreciate and respect the men and women of our country who dedicate themselves to the service of the USA, even knowing they won't always be assigned duties that agree with their morals and values (or mine, for that matter.)

I never really considered linking "child soldiers" and JROTC until a comment was made in PAX today doing just that.

Peel away a layer of belief and begin again, as always.  

I smoke pot, and I like it - The Week

I smoke pot, and I like it - The Week: "Did you know that the United States of America, the Land of the Free, puts a larger portion of its population behind bars than any country on earth? Thanks in large part to the War on Drugs, Americans lock more of their own in cages than do the thuggish Russians or those “Islamofascist” Saudis. As it happens, American drug prohibition and sentencing policies hit poor black men the hardest, devastating already disadvantaged black families and communities—a tragic, mocking contrast to the achievement of Obama’s election. Militarized police departments across the nation month after month kick down the wrong doors, terrify innocent families, shoot lawful citizens, and often kill the family dog."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moving Forward and Reconciling the Past

After decades of being cautious as to how and when Hitler has been portrayed in Germany, the country is taking a huge step towards educating the nation about the seemingly charismatic and most evil Adolf Hitler. The German Historical Museum in Berlin strives, with this exhibit, to show the public how a nobody like Hitler was able to win the hearts of a country--a country down on its luck and reeling hard from the Treaty of Versaille and the negative affects the Treaty had on the Weimar Republic after World War I. Hitler has always been acknowledged and portrayed as a monster, evil incarnate, the most vile of all that is distasteful.

The new exhibit goes where few have gone before in portraying the humanity of Adolf Hitler. When one considers that Hitler was once a babe at his mother's breast, a child with skinned knees, a teenager in love, and an artist struggling to acceptance in art school, this adds to the intrigue of the man who became responsible for the murder of millions. I could dive into the subject of psychology here and the mind of a killer, but I won't. We can easily see the factors in Hitler's life that affected his thoughts and emotions, driving him to utter hatred for anyone not Aryan and "perfect." Given different circumstances, the history of the 1230-40's could be completely different. Everyone already knows this though, and I will leave it to each of you to explore the nuances of Hitler's life and decided where that change could have been made.

"The Nazi era is extensively documented and studied in Germany: museums looking at the regime and its crimes exist in many major cities, and the Second World War is a central part of every German child's school curriculum. But there's one figure at the burning-white center of the Holocaust that for many Germans remains too hot to touch: Adolf Hitler himself."

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2025745,00.html#ixzz144Q8J8ch

Israeli orchestra to perform at Wagner festival in Germany

"An Israeli orchestra will strike an emotional chord in Germany next year when it plays a work by Richard Wagner, Hitler's favorite composer, further challenging a long-standing taboo in Israel on his music. Israeli ensembles hardly ever play Wagner, citing the feelings of Holocaust survivors."
Another step in moving forward under the dark shadow of The Holocaust, this one for Israeli's. I understand the outrage felt by many survivors of Hitler's atrocities; but I also understand how healing music can be and how music can aid in the healing process. Yes Wagner was an anti-semite, yes Hitler loved Wagner's works, but does this mean that Wagner should be boycotted forever? Much can be taken from his music; his feelings of hatred are surely expressed in the songs he composed. I am not a music student, but I have learned this semester that thoughts and feelings of the writers and composers of music are very much evident in their works. I have listened to Wagner, but never really listened to Wagner. Now, now I will make an effort to learn more about him as a man, a thinker, a hater; and I will open my heart as well as my ears to his works, I will search through the layers to find what his heart and mind spoke of within them.
I remember a time when I thought love and pain were one and the same-social d

Expand that thought.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Arthur Schopenhauer

First published Mon May 12, 2003; substantive revision Sat Nov 17, 2007

Among 19th century philosophers, Arthur Schopenhauer was among the first to contend that at its core, the universe is not a rational place. Inspired by Plato and Kant, both of whom regarded the world as being more amenable to reason, Schopenhauer developed their philosophies into an instinct-recognizing and ultimately ascetic outlook, emphasizing that in the face of a world filled with endless strife, we ought to minimize our natural desires to achieve a more tranquil frame of mind and a disposition towards universal beneficence. Often considered to be a thoroughgoing pessimist, Schopenhauer in fact advocated ways — via artistic, moral and ascetic forms of awareness — to overcome a frustration-filled and fundamentally painful human condition. Since his death in 1860, his philosophy has had a special attraction for those who wonder about life's meaning, along with those engaged in music, literature, and the visual arts.

Happy bloody Halloween.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


"Faith" means not wanting to know what is true.
The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 52
Nietzsche Quotes