Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Dreaded Husband

We aren't exactly sure of the date he threw down the hair brush and said "Let's do this!", but I'm guessing he's on about say 6. Last night we separated all of his hair so as to not end up with clumpy chunks. So far, soooo gooood!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dreaded Journey--Day 85

My dreds are starting to chunk up nicely. There's a couple of fatties and a lot of thin little dreds. The back bears a couple of very interesting chunks of knots and curly q's.
The best part is all of the bonuses of dreds that I have begun to notice. I am compiling a list I shall soon share.

A few days ago my husband decided he is fed up with brushing out his long, fine hair, and decided to stop brushing. Tonight I am helping him to separate the locks that have already begun to chunk up his hair, and doing some TNR on the rest as I pull the chunks apart into smaller locks. I've had the pleasure of sharing my washing and separating techniques with him as well. I am excited that we are now cutting out 3/5 the amount of shampoo and conditioner used in our household, with two dread heads and one anti-chemical child. :0) Our drainpipes will thank us as well.


My photo was taken on Day 82.
The second (blurry!) picture is the husband working on his hair tonight.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dreaded journey day 80

A curly-q from the back of my head. My dreds are taking off quickly. I'm in love.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dreaded Journey day 41-freedom and love

In 41 days I've gone from being mostly self conscious about the state of my hair to not caring at all. Full as it is of twisties and curls, little knots and a couple of big knots, I am loving the way it lays around my head, separated locks weaving in and out of one another, beads poking through here and there. I can never get pictures that accurately reflect what I see in the mirror. Giving up on keeping a huge chunk separated for bangs has helped immensely in the "learning to just let my hair be free to do what it wants" process.

I spent the first 30 days or so covering my head when I went into public (I've toyed with the idea of covering for years anyways, as an observant orthodox Jewish wife would do, and I found that I truly love that covering, but don't necessarily find it pertinent to my journey.) this past week I've resorted to fluffing my roots and tossing my bangs to the opposite side when I feel a touch self-concious. I suspect this, too, shall pass.

The compliments from friends are awesome; the lack of "omg why would you do that to your hair" uplifting, and the acceptance of "I just felt ready to do this thing I've considered for years, I feel rather liberated from hair worry" as an answer to the "Why?" have all boosted my ego just enough to make me happy without conceit.

I've also backed off my obsession with painted toenails and eyeliner (the former due to this "liberated from beauty standards" feeling, the latter due more to a freakishly drawn out allergy-sinus-hayfever hell I've been living in for the past four months.) I will attribute it all in part to this new love for my hair, and thus for myself. Odd, sure, but whatever. I'm happy, I feel lighter, and I love my hair again. That's what I needed!!