Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dreaded Journey--Day 85

My dreds are starting to chunk up nicely. There's a couple of fatties and a lot of thin little dreds. The back bears a couple of very interesting chunks of knots and curly q's.
The best part is all of the bonuses of dreds that I have begun to notice. I am compiling a list I shall soon share.

A few days ago my husband decided he is fed up with brushing out his long, fine hair, and decided to stop brushing. Tonight I am helping him to separate the locks that have already begun to chunk up his hair, and doing some TNR on the rest as I pull the chunks apart into smaller locks. I've had the pleasure of sharing my washing and separating techniques with him as well. I am excited that we are now cutting out 3/5 the amount of shampoo and conditioner used in our household, with two dread heads and one anti-chemical child. :0) Our drainpipes will thank us as well.


My photo was taken on Day 82.
The second (blurry!) picture is the husband working on his hair tonight.

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