Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day I of my Dreaded Journey

From my profile over at dreadlockssite.com:

Hello! My name is Jen. I'm 37, a wife, mom of three, and full-time student (Holocaust/genocide, Peace Studies, Civil Rights, Human Rights,) sister, friend, daughter. . .
I have long toyed with the idea of dreads, always thinking I would eventually get around to doing it. In retrospect, like so many other things, I have not been ready--ready to ditch the hair care products, ready to ditch the combs and brushes, ready to take the time out for ME.

Last Spring I gave up shampoo almost completely--about once every third or fourth wash I add a dab of chemical free shampoo or baby shampoo to my baking soda mix. I wash my hair every 3-4 days, and use a lemon juice/conditioner mix (a few drops of conditioner with about 1/2 cup lemon juice, heavily diluted.) Yesterday was the last day I will mix conditioner with my LJ rinse!
About two months ago I was inspired to stop playing with my hair, or brushing my hair, frequently. I play with my hair often, especially sitting through classes, so this was challenging.

After much research and reading, I realize I am already well on my way to dreads. As I am being financially forced to take the summer off of school, I think no time is more perfect than now to begin this process, since I will not be so distracted and preoccupied with death and war. I already had plans to reconnect with my spiritual self over the summer; this creates an added bonus to the journey.

Today I packed up my hairbrushes and daily combs. Thursday/Friday I will ditch the conditioner.

I want to thank everyone here already. I seriously have spent the better part of my week thus far researching and reading, cross referencing advice between sites, and this is definitely the place I have felt the most comfortable with and trusting of. The atmosphere is friendly and inviting, and I feel I will be well supported on this new path in my life.

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